Singing Guide: Rebecca Ferguson

Singing Guide: Rebecca Ferguson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Rebecca Ferguson - Learning to Sing with the Queen of Soul and Jazz

Rebecca Ferguson is a British singer-songwriter who is known for her soulful and jazzy voice. Her music is characterized by simple melodies and mesmerizing vocal control. Her ability to convey complex emotions through singing leaves audiences captivated. In this article, we'll highlight her unique vocal technique and provide practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn singing like Rebecca Ferguson.

Voice Type and Technique

Rebecca's vocal range is contralto, meaning she has a deep and rich vocal tone. She is admired for her unique style of singing that uses a range of vocal techniques to express her emotions. One of her signature techniques is her use of vibrato, which is the variation in pitch and intensity. In many of her songs, she uses this technique to deliver a soulful and emotive performance that leaves listeners moved.

Songs showcasing Rebecca Ferguson's Vocal Technique

To learn singing like Rebecca Ferguson, you need to listen to her music and learn how to sing some of her signature songs. Here are a few examples:

Practical Steps to Learn Singing like Rebecca Ferguson

Learning to sing like Rebecca Ferguson takes time and effort. Here are some practical steps to help you get started:

  1. Analyze your voice: Take the Singing Carrots vocal range test to determine your voice type. Understanding your voice type is important because it helps you choose songs that are best suited for your voice.
  2. Learn breathing techniques: Explore the Singing Carrots breathing basics article to learn how to breathe properly when singing. Proper breathing is essential for good singing and helps you to control your tone and pitch.
  3. Warm up your voice: The Farinelli Breathing video is an excellent warm-up exercise to help prepare your voice before you start singing.
  4. Learn to sing with vibrato: Check out the Singing with Vibrato article to learn how to use vibrato in your singing. This technique is a hallmark of Rebecca Ferguson's style and can greatly enhance your singing.
  5. Improve your pitch accuracy: Take the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Improve your vocal control: Explore the Singing Comfort Zone video to learn how to transition smoothly between your chest voice and head voice and expand your vocal range.
  7. Practice singing regularly: Singing well requires practice. Use the Singing Carrots pitch training tools and educational courses to practice regularly and improve your skills.
  8. Learn how to perform: Check out the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article to learn how to connect with your audience and convey emotions through singing.


Rebecca Ferguson is one of the most exceptional singers of our time. Through effort and practice, and with this article and Singing Carrots resources to guide you, you can achieve a vocal style similar to hers. Remember to practice regularly, have patience, and most importantly, enjoy the process of singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.